Please note that Lena is only seeing female patients at this time


Please note that Lena is only seeing female patients at this time -

Book an Appointment

Thank you for your interest- Lena’s client list is almost at capacity so new patients must present with the following conditions: gynaecological, respiratory, dermatological, neurological and fertility/obstetrics disorders.

Lena no longer treats: musculoskeletal pain, sexual performance issues, addictions (including smoking), mental health problems, weight loss or ADHD.

If do not know if your condition falls into these categories, please message Lena via the Contact page.

Finally, please be prepared to incorporate changes to lifestyle and be willing to take a Chinese Herbal Medicine regime alongside your course of acupuncture treatment. This will help to optimise the effects of the acupuncture.

Non-PayPal users: There is a problem with the mobile version of the booking system that prevents paying by card without a PayPal account. If you don’t have a PayPal account then please use the desktop version of the website.